Old Friends Club is financially supported by family memberships and various grants. We also have some very generous support from our corporate sponsor Northwest Cellars. We know that financial pressures affect everyone and that is why we offer our services below market rates while also ensuring we provide the skilled and knowledgeable assistance for our club members and families. Because we don’t turn anyone away, grants and donations throughout the year help us maintain the standards we want to uphold.
Through the generous participation of individuals on the one-day GiveBig2019.org event, we tallied over $3,924 which includes the OFC Board match. Awareness of the drive for local non-profits also generated direct donations to OFC, including corporate matching totalling over $2,000. Drives like this help us with activity supplies, lunches, and can even supplement individual memberships.
We are very humbled by the generosity and ongoing support of our mission. We want to specifically thank those who contributed to OFC during #GiveBig (including those who wish not to be mentioned). Your gifts will help us to continue to support local families and their loved ones.
Thank You!
Carrie & Robert S, Karin T, Larry B, Heidi W, Donald D, Gary D, Lonnie E, Rich H, Bill E, Doug S, Clifton S, Becky M, Sandra H, John J, Lisa Y, Anton P, Katherine W, Helen H.
Special appreciation to Ellison Foundation
Some of the donations through the GiveBig site were made in Memory or Honor of special individuals and we include them here with our deepest respect:
In Memory of Charles Barker
In Memory of Don & Patricia Desonier
In Memory of Nancy Desonier
In Honor of Karen Koenig
Additionally, we had some wonderful comments submitted with donations that filled us with warmth and encouragement:
“This sounds like a great project. Glad to help support”
“Thanks for all you do!”
“Carnation Old Friends Club is such a blessing for our family ❤️”
“Love Old Friends Club!”
“Thank you for all you do!”
“I love what Old Friends Club is doing to help the Alzheimer's and dementia community at large. While there is a great focus on a cure through major, national organizations, local families still need day-to-day support and care with their loved ones. OFC provides a valuable element to the toolkit of care, nourishing both the individual member and the family care provider, improving the lives of all parties.”
Thank you!

We're also always looking for volunteers! If you are interested, fill out our Contact OFC form and let us know about your interest.
Do you know a family who might benefit from joining Old Friends Club? Share this blog post, our OFC Facebook page, and our OFC website with them. They can contact us by phone or on our Old Friends Club Contact Us page.
Search for frequently asked questions at our OFC FAQ page.
Meet our Program Coordinators or checkout our the Available Jobs at OFC.